We experienced much ministry through the holidays. We gave away many stuffed animals, Love Bears and other toys and clothing. It was a joy to end the holidays with an empty garage and the knowledge that many families had been blessed. It is so much fun to share Father’s love with those in need. January was busy with end of year reports and making new prayer lists and contact lists. We added new pastors, adopted children and others in 2007 to our lists for ministry. Our life is so full of the love of Jesus and the goodness of God!
A major happening in our life took place on January 29. We saw Father’s hand of protection over our home and belongings as we experienced a grass fire in our yard. The wind was very strong and it broke a power line in our back yard. We were told that the power line arced and started a grass fire at the back of the yard. Two of our neighbors immediately responded to the fire calling 911 and trying to hook up hoses to help fight it until the fire truck arrived. One neighbor ran across the street to notify our 80 year old neighbor that the fire was getting close to her house and while sitting on her front porch she used her portable house phone to call 911. Her house phone NEVER works outside her home except on this day it did. She also called us on this phone telling us quickly what had happened. The fire truck arrived within a few minutes. They were in the area checking out other downed power lines. When we arrived within 5 minutes of the call, the fire was already out. Our two neighbors were still in the yard praising the Lord for His protection. Above you will see a picture of the back of our home and how close the fire got but the Lord kept a ring around our home, our shop, our trailer and NOTHING was touched by the fire but our grass. One of our friends said that our grass would sure be green this year and we rejoiced with them. We are so thankful for your prayers for us on a daily basis. Our home was totally saved from the enemy’s attack through your faithful prayers. We have had so many people come and look for themselves of Father’s love and protection. We did find out that evening that about 17 homes were destroyed by fire northwest of the Ft. Worth area. We know the pastor of a church in that area and we contacted them learning that a family in their congregation lost their home to a grass fire. We have had the awesome privilege of helping this family during their time of need. Our church family has also joined with us to help with finances, toiletries, cleaning items and other necessities. They have a place to live, clothing and food that has been provided through caring people.
My title for this message is God is on His Throne and folks He truly is! As His Word tells us in Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Also we read in Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Thank You Lord for caring for this family in their time of need!! Thank You Lord for caring for us in our time of need!! We praise the Lord for His provision and His protection.
May you know today His love and His compassion as you walk through life with needs and situations that draw you to His Throne. He is an AWESOME GOD! He loves each one of us with unconditional love!!
Charley & Karen
Charley & Karen
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