Dear Ministry Family, can you believe a new year is here! So much happened last year that there is no way to adequately share with you but here are a few highlights. In the spring the Lord sent us on a journey to the East Coast to encourage pastors and leaders. We have noticed a sense of dread in many lives this past year due to our country’s economy and the political situations around the world. We have been sent by our Lord to help people FOCUS on Him and not on the circumstances. In my kitchen I have a picture of Garfield the Cat. On one side of the page is Garfield with his hair frizzed and looking like he put his finger in a light socket and on the other side a very happy, calm Garfield the Cat looking at you with peaceful eyes. Can you guess which one has to do with looking at your circumstances and allowing them to control your life? That is probably pretty easy to figure out. I keep that on my wall where not only others can see it and be encouraged, but we can see it too. We just need to be reminded that our Father, our Heavenly Father, is in charge no matter what others say. Our role in this world right now is to be lights in the darkness, Father’s messengers of hope and love where turmoil and fear abound and to walk in such amazing peace that all who see us marvel at how we can be so calm. We are calm! We are peaceful because we FOCUS on Jesus and not on our circumstances. One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:4-8 which says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.”
Then in the fall the Lord took us to Colorado, all the way to South Dakota, Missouri, Alabama and South Carolina. What an amazing time keeping Father’s divine appointments and making the CONNECTIONS that He desired for us. The Lord sent us home the weekend before Thanksgiving and then on Thanksgiving Day Karen’s dad passed away. Some people thought that would be a difficult time but Father gave Karen amazing peace knowing that her dad is with Him now. What blessed assurance that was! We were here for the services and family time and then the Lord took us away for a rest and refreshing time with Him. Oh it was such a special sweet time! During Christmas and New Year’s we enjoyed a time with our daughter and her family! Our grandchildren are growing so quickly with the 3 boys being teenagers and our little granddaughter is 7. Precious memories we made this Christmas season. We have seen our son and his wife several times this past year and were so blessed by our time together. Then after Christmas Charley’s nephew was killed in a hunting accident and again we were thrust into more divine connections with so many people whose lives had been touched by our nephew, John. He was a pastor with a wife and young children. All of this has helped us do what Father had asked us to do at the beginning of last year and that is FOCUS on Him. This year our word for the year from the Lord is CONNECTION. Already we are seeing Father’s connections happening for His purposes and plans to be accomplished. Father has told us we will be leaving soon and that we will be traveling more than before so we stay ready to go.
Thank you for your prayers, support and love for us and this ministry! We rejoice in all the Lord has planned for 2011.
We love you,
Charley & Karen