For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
During a quiet time with the Lord, He told me He had a message for His pastors. I have found over these several years of writing articles for the newsletter that I do not write unless Father gives me the words. I sought the Lord concerning what He wanted to say. There is so much happening in the world right now especially in the Middle East. We see Israel and Lebanon in battle. We continue to see death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. How do we the church in America help or deal with what is happening half way around the world? One thing we do is WE PRAY! Daily we get emails encouraging us to pray and giving us info on the world’s issues. We do not hear much from our pulpits about what is happening. I wonder sometimes if we want one place that we can go where we aren’t bombarded with violence and fear. You can’t turn on the radio or TV without seeing pictures of bloodshed. God has a message for His pastors and we will try to give what we believe to be His message.
My Servants! My Pastors! My Preachers and Teachers!
How are you doing? What are you doing? Do you remember when I called you to do what you are doing? Do you remember how you told Me you would do whatever I asked? You cried and you promised to be faithful! Are you still doing what I have asked? I know but do you know. I watch you daily! Are you still in My Word every day? Do you still spend time with Me in the quietness of your office or prayer closet? What has happened to My church? The pews are empty! Why are the people leaving? When I called to you and you said yes to My will for your life, I put within My Word all the instruction you would need to be My Pastor. I put the qualifications for you, I put My promises for you, I put My commandments for you and I gave you the way to present it to the people so that they would come to Me through My Son, Jesus Christ. It is all there! I told you that I would speak to you as you studied and as you prayed. I would be with you every moment of the day so that you would know what I wanted you to do. I gave you a vision for the church where you pastor and I told you I would help you implement that vision. I told you I would help you draw people to Me. What has happened? I see so many of supposedly My people walking out the doors of their church and not returning. They are hurt and confused! Who has hurt them? Why has it come to this? I know that sometimes My people get into strife. I know that they do not love Me like they should. I know it is not always your fault when people leave. Why do My people not worship Me? I know the answer, Do You? The signs of the times are all around you! You watch it on TV and you hear it on the radio. You read it in the newspaper and talk about it over meals but do you know the answer to the problem. It is really very simple. It is Jesus! Do you know Jesus? Some people would say what a silly question to ask a pastor! Is it silly?
Know Jesus!
The other night we saw the movie, Left Behind. It had been a long time since we had seen it. We watched as the pastor of the church was left behind when the rapture happened. He realized that he had only been going through the motions telling people the stories from the Bible but he did not know the Jesus of the Bible. He was very distraught and soon he fell on his knees before the altar and asked forgiveness and was gloriously saved. We hear through the media from those studied in the Word of God that we are in the end times. We believe in the end times ourselves. We do not know where we are in the end times but only that what we see happening around the world is written in scripture. Please search your heart dear servant of God and know that you know that if you were to die tonight, you would be in the very presence of God. Know that you have an intimate relationship with Jesus and that He is your Savior and Lord. Then go forth to preach and teach nothing but the Word of God. The way, the truth and the life! Jesus is Lord!
Pastor, how are you doing?
We love you,
Charley & Karen