Wednesday, November 22, 2006


During this very special time of the year, we want to say thank you to all of our prayer partners: family and friends. Thank you for your love, thank you for your prayers and thank you for your gifts to the ministry! This has been a very special yet different year for us in the 7 years of Christ’s Kingdom Ministries. Though at home the biggest part of the year, we have remained very busy with our work: touching lives in Jesus name! As most of you know the ministry is a 24/7 responsibility that we take very seriously. We experience phone calls at all hours of the night, surprise visits anytime during the day and divine appointments wherever Father leads and guides us. It has been a true joy to keep the appointments this year and see the power of God manifested! We have truly felt and seen your prayers during this time. Father told us not long ago that this was the Sabbath rest year for us only in relation to our traveling. Otherwise much has happened daily to show us His hand and anointing upon us.
Early in the year my grandmother died after several years in a nursing home. She was the life and love of the nursing home as she spoke to the residents of God’s love and showed it daily. She was the encourager for the rehabilitation area and also the encourager for the nurses. They loved to see her coming! We had a family reunion and celebration time at her services. She was a joy to her family.
Also our son returned from 7 months in Iraq protecting our freedom and we enjoyed several days visiting with him and his wife. We were so thankful to you for your prayers for him and for his safe return to us. We were blessed to spend Easter with our daughter and her family! Goodness those kids are growing!
We had my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary with lots of extended family present and lots of visiting. Family reunions are fun!
Needless to say it has been a busy year. It has been a year of deep study and prayer concerning the future of Christ’s Kingdom Ministries. Father has shown us His plans for the days ahead and we are so excited! We learned this year what it truly means to walk by faith and not by sight. When you are totally and completely dependent on the Lord for your livelihood, you learn real quick that He is faithful, He is able, and He does own the cattle on a thousand hills. We have sought daily to practice Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

He has absolutely directed our paths this year. Ministry has been intense as many have come to us for spiritual help and love as they walked through difficult days in health, marriages and relationships. As a child of God we have given them the Word straight and uncompromised and the Word has brought healing, reconciliation in marriages and restoration of relationships. We have prayed diligently over our list of names daily and seen answers come over time and some immediately. We prayed over a young lady with a fractured arm and healing happened! We prayed over a woman with pain in her head, neck and arm and healing happened! All we did was to be faithful to pray believing and the Lord did the healing! We have sat and listened as several people have poured out their pain in their life due to unfaithful partners and seen the power of God bring comfort into their hearts. Some have continued on the path of divorce but their lives were drawn closer to the Lord in the process. The enemy of God, Satan, is busy trying to destroy Christian homes and we must fight against it. We fight by staying in the Word and on our face in prayer! We stand firm on what we know to be true and we walk forward always ready for battle. Paul the apostle said in 2 Timothy 4:7-8:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

Stand firm dear children of God! Stand and be counted as children of the Most High! Finish the course that the Lord has laid out for you!
Jesus is coming soon! We await His appearing!
Have a wonderful, blessed, exciting and joyous Thanksgiving!
Psalm 100:4

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

We love you,
Charley & Karen